A Day to Reflect and Look Ahead

With the holiday season comes another tradition. My annual review or year end reflection. Often my year end reflection comes on New Year's day, but sometimes I can carve out a day near the end of December.

My year end reflection  is where I get to take day to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the next.

A couple of days ago, I had some time, so I grabbed my journal and listed out as many accomplishments as I could think of in 2019.

One accomplishment stood out to me and I realized this was a huge year for me. Huge! I reached my lifelong goal of writing a book. Yes, I wrote my first book and self-published it in April of 2019. My book went on to reach Bestseller status in four categories on Amazon. I also sold 2,000+ copies.

In addition to my book, I accomplished four additional goals I had set out to achieve for 2019. Two of these goals were health related and one was a lifestyle goal. You may or may not know that two years ago, I quit my job so my husband and I could travel. Well, in 2019, we met our goal of one day owning our very own camper van. Meet Nugget, our Hymer Aktiv 1.0:

My 2020 Goals

After reflecting on my accomplishments for 2019, I looked ahead and came up with my goals for 2020.

My biggest goals are related to my business. I am launching an online education business and my first course will go live in February 2020. I have set revenues goals and marketing goals. I also have health goals and lifestyle goals. For lifestyle, my husband and I plan to tour the U.S. in Nugget and to visit the rest of the states I have not been to yet.

Being Intentional About Our 365 Days and 6,000 Waking Hours

Now, it's your turn. I encourage you to do this exercise of reflection and looking forward.

This is your chance to be intentional going into 2020. It’s a new year, a fresh start. Where do you want to be at the end of 2020? Who do you want to be?

We have a new year with 365 days and approximately 6,000 waking hours. What are you going to do with those days and hours to leverage reaching your goals and dreams?

What are your specific goals? Do you want to:

  • Reach a fitness or weight loss goal?
  • Finish a big project or get a promotion at work?
  • Switch jobs or careers?
  • Obtain a professional certification?
  • Start a new business or grow your business?
  • Increase your wealth?

Set aside time right now to journal and reflect on what you have done in 2019 and what you want in 2020. Who do you want to be? Where do you want to be?

If you want your life to be in any way different than the way it is now, determine who you want to be and where you want to be. Then sit down and make some reasonable goals for 2020 and make a plan to fulfill those goals.

May 2020 be your best year ever!

Thank you for reading,

Shanda K. Miller

Annual Review: A new year and 365 new days to act on our goals and dreams
Article Name
Annual Review: A new year and 365 new days to act on our goals and dreams
This article provides a once a year strategy for setting yourself up for success in the coming year. Use this method for reflecting on the past year and being intentional about setting goals for the new year.
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Your One Extraordinary Life
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